Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Worst of January 2015

Like I said in my January favourites post, every month I am going to be doing a worst of post, where I talk about the things that I haven't liked so much this month. In my January favourites post I also stated that I had prepared this post beforehand, so I apologise of its in a bit of a random order.

The first thing that I didn't like this month is a TV show. The TV show is The Missing. I really did not like this TV show. The first two episodes were okay, however the rest of them I found really boring and depressing. I also found the ending of the show was pretty rubbish.

The second thing that I didn't like was a film. The film was The Wolf of Wall Street. My brother kept pestering me to watch it, he said that it was a good film, and that it is probably his favourite film, however I didnt like it that much, I found it pretty boring. No offence to anyone if they like this film, but I just didn't like it.

The third thing that I haven't been loving this month is a body butter. It is the Fearne body butter from her Mini Collection. I like the smell of the product, however I really do not like the consistency of the product. The consistency is thick not creamy like other body butters that I have used. Also the body butter is not very moisturising like all of the others that I have used.

The next thing that I haven't liked too much this month is another TV show. I apologise if some of you reading this like the TV show but this is just my opinion on it. The TV show is Sons of Anarchy. I started watching it this month, and to be honest I am not a big fan of it. I find that it is quite boring. However, I will watch the rest of it as I don't like starting a TV show and then not finishing it, regardless of whether I like it or not. So even though I don't like it too much I will finish watching every season.

The last thing that I haven't been loving is completely random. I have absolutely been hating college this month. It has been stressing me out so much. I got an extra lesson on Monday's. On a Monday my day used to be 10:00am until 2:30pm. Now it is 10:00am until 4:45pm. The day is just so long and on a Thursday my day is 9:00am until 5:00pm. I have also been hating the assignments that I have veen getting. It isn't the amount of assignments that I hate, it is the time that we get to do the assignments. We only get a week per assignment for most of the assignments, which would be OK if the assignments weren't do hard. The long days at college also make me so tired and the lessons are so boring. I got given an assignment earlier this month, and we had only had 2 lessons on what the assignment was about, so I didn't understand anything that in was writing and I will most likely fail that assignment, because I have no idea if anything that I have written is correct.

Anyway that concludes my Worst of January 2015 post. I hope it isn't too boring.

Natalie xx


  1. Hi Natalie! I really enjoy reading your blog posts, and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. To find out what this is, go to this link: http://l1ttlesash.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/liebster-blog-award.html. Have fun! :) xx

  2. Hi Natalie! I really enjoy reading your blog posts, and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. To find out what this is, go to this link: http://l1ttlesash.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/liebster-blog-award.html. Have fun! :) xx
