Thursday, 25 December 2014

What I got for Christmas 2014

It is finally Christmas day, so Merry Christmas everyone. So seeing as it is Christmas I decided to share with the readers of my blog the things that I got for Christmas. Also I am sorry for the lack of pictures but I just really wanted to get this post up.

One of the things that I received was money. Some of my relatives tend to give me money as they do not usually know what to get me. I also get a lot of chocolate and sweets. I got a tin of Swizzel Matlow sweets, a box of jelly babies, loads of smarties, blue raspberry bon bons, a box of maltesers, a box of minstrels, 4 bars of chocolate, a box of haribo tangfastics, a box of Maom pinballs and 4 packs of Maoms. I think that I may have enough chocolate and sweets to last me untlil next Christmas.

I got three mini deodorants, all Charlie deodorants. I got a Soap and Glory set which contains hand cream, body butter, shower gel, body scrub and a body puff. I also got a Radox shower set which contains two sower gels and a body puff. I also got some Breaking Bath, bath salts which are blue and it looks like blue crystal meth, like the one that they make on the TV show Breaking Bad.

I also got some clothes. I was given a purple Charles Wilson hoodie and an Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt .

The last thing that I got was my main present. I got given an Android tablet which I am using to write this blog post.

I think that is everything that I got for Christmas. It might not seem a lot but I appreciate all of the things that I got. Again I am sorry for the lack of pictures. Anyway Merry Christmas everyone.

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