Friday, 21 November 2014

My Lip Balm Collection

I absolutely love lip balm. I love it so much that I have a collection of them. I have 27 in total so far. I know it is not a lot at the moment but the collection keeps on growing.

First of all I have 2 Claire's lip balms. One in strawberry and the other in raspberry. These lip balms are rubbish they don't smell like raspberry or strawberry, they just have a horrible plain smell to them. That is probably the best that I can describe the scent as. They are not very moisturising either. I would not recommend either of them at all.

Next I have two chapsticks one in strawberry and one in original. The strawberry chapstick does not smell like strawberry, it has a horrible smell which I can't really describe. I also don't like the taste of it on my lips. However it is still a good lip balm it has SPF 10 in it and it is quite moisturising. On the other hand the original chapstick does have a nice smell to it and I like the taste of it on my lips. This one also has SPF 10 in it and it is moisturising. I would definitely recommend these lip balms.

Another lip balm that I have is a balmi cube in the flavour raspberry. I love this lip balm. It has an amazing raspberry scent to it and it tastes nice on the lips. It is also quite moisturising and I definitely recommend this lip balm.

Next I have two boots essentials lip salves. I have a tinted lip salve. Which isn't actually very tinted unless you put a lot on your lips. It doesn't have any scent to it. It is not a very good lip balm and I don't recommend it. The other lip salve is a strawberry one. Which I only just got. It has a nice scent to it. I can't taste it when it is on my lips. Although that is the case it is still quite moisturising. I would recommend this lip salve.

Next I have three of the Body Shop Born Lippy lip balms. One in satsuma shimmer, one in strawberry and the last in passionberry. These lip balms are absolutely amazing and I would definitely recommend them. The strawberry one smells amazing and it smells like the strawberry bootlaces sweets. It doesn't have much of a tint to it but it is very moisturising. The satsuma shimmer one has a nice smell to it. It smells like satsumas. This one doesn't have a tint to it but it does have a slight shimmer to it hence the name satsuma shimmer. This lip balm is also very moisturising. The passionberry one is also amazing. It doesn't have much of a tint. It smells and tastes amazing. It is also moisturising. I love these lip balms and I highly recommend them.

I have one Body shop lip butter in blueberry. It has a nice blueberry scent to it and it is very moisturising. And because it is made by the Body Shop it has natural ingredients in. I definitely recommend this lip butter.

Next I have three blistex lip balms. One in orange mango blast, one in raspberry lemonade blast and the last one is med plus cherry berry. These all smell and taste amazing. They are also quite moisturising. So I would recommend these lip balms.

I have three of the Maybelline Baby lips. One in peach kiss, one in cherry me and the last in mint fresh. The peach kiss one has slight tint to it, it smells and tastes amazing and is moisturising. The cherry me one also has a slight tint, tastes and smells amazing and is moisturising. The mint fresh one is clear. It smells and tastes amazing and is moisturising I definitely recommend all three.

I have an I love vanilla and ice cream glossy lip balm. It smells amazing and is moisturising. It also has a slight shimmer to it which makes it look nice on the lips.

Next I have two nivea lip balms one in pearly shine and the other in fruity shine peach. The pearly shine one has a tint to it. It is slightly moisturising. But it isn't one of my favourite lip balms. The fruity shine peach one smells amazing and is moisturising and I would recommend it.

Then I have four vaseline lip therapy lip balms. I have the original one, the aloe vera one, the cocoa butter one and the rosy lips one. All four are very moisturising and I would recommend all of them. The rosy lips one also has a slight pink tint to it.

Last but not least I have three of the nivea lip butters. One in raspberry rose, one in caramel cream and the last in bluberry blush. I love these three lip butters they smell absolutely amazing. They are very moisturising and I would recommend all three.

So that concludes my lip balm collection. And if you can't tell from this post I love lip balm

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